Do You Want The Secrets of Public Speaking?

The ability to persuade others through our words is a uniquely human skill.
But all too few know how to realise it.
You’ll get materials on this website to help you break it down.

It’s not about talent.
It’s not about being clever.
It’s about learning easy systems that work from the world of competitive debating.

For business.
For politics.
For leadership.
For people.

You’ll be amazed when people start to say how eloquent you are.
Or when someone says “I changed my mind because of what you said.”
Or when your voice contributes to a better standard of debate: rational, factual and moral.

Get the FREE 6-Day Speaking Course

In 6 Topics, this is what you’ll cover with daily emails.

1. Making Arguments

A system to help you build a case, weaken opponents, and tell which side is strongest.

2. Using Evidence

You’ll learn to use facts to your advantage, call out the misuse of facts, and know when facts are strong or weak.

3. Applying Rhetoric

Get over 20 techniques to make your ideas more persuasive, from sentence structure

4. Building Your Appeal

A guide full of concrete strategies for building your credibility, appealing to emotions, and gauging your audience.

5. Body Language

You’ll cover the fundamentals of confident delivery: from body movements, where to look, and how to use your voice.

6. Thinking on Your Feet

Never freeze again! This guide will teach you the secrets of responding in the moment, no matter what is thrown at you.

Want something more? Pay for Results, not a Course

If you’re looking for something more personalised


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Guides And Cheat Sheets For Common Controversies

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Live Access – Q & As and Feedback

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Practice in Weekly Workshops

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Share the Best Arguments

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Quick Homework Drills

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But Hurry, Space Is Limited!

When the waiting list opens, it will just be for 100 people. That’s because I want to get this course right for you with a personalised service.

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Nisl purus in mollis


Egestas maecenas pharetra


Quis commodo odio


Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

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Our Simple
Straight-Forward Pricing

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Ut quis enim rerum quia assumenda repudiandae non cumque qui.

Free Plan



/ forever

  • 10GB Storage
  • Limited Bandwidth
  • 5 Email Accounts
  • 1 Databases
  • Backup & Restore

Pro Plan



/ per month

  • 500GB Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 50 Email Accounts
  • 15 Databases
  • Backup & Restore


This course is a result of Zack’s years of experience in cultivating his public speaking and debating skills, from leading debate at the Cambridge Union, to leveraging his persuasive speaking skills into leadership positions, influencing policy, and leading conversations in the multimedia sphere. The skills Dr Hassan has shared with me have allowed me to engage much more productively in the political world around me.

Leading ConversationsDr Scott McKinnon

An absolute class act. No this is not an advertisement for Edinburgh Fringe, but it could be. Zack is an impassioned debater and we have traded many a barb in our time. However the real secret to Zack’s success is his understanding of argument from inception to execution.

Class ActDr Ben G.T. Coumbe

Zack is a fantastic teacher. In my experience, he can make complicated confusing things feel really clear and simple, and he made things I felt scared of feel easy and fun. He has a deep passion for resolving disagreements and clarifying choices, through skilful debate.

Fantastic TeacherSusie Keith

I’ve had the privilege of seeing Zack speak at a range of venues, from debating passionately amongst friends to putting his case at the historic Cambridge Union. He’s always persuasive and articulate, while actively listening to and engaging with alternative opinions.

The clarity of Zack’s thinking process is reflected in the clarity of his speech, with a chain of logic which is always easy to follow. Rhetoric is used to emphasise key points, without being abused. Overall I would highly recommend Zack’s public speaking skills to all”

Easy To FollowDr Robert Cronshaw

Zack has the rare ability to genuinely connect with people from a range of backgrounds and beliefs. 

I have been immensely impressed by his ability to challenge politicians, debate with doctors, and engage with company directors, on sometimes difficult or controversial subjects, all with gentlemanly respect for the speaker, the topic, and their audience. 

Zack presents with the eloquence, thoroughness, and analytical agility of a highly experienced and well-versed public speaker. His passion for critical thinking has inspired me to expand my horizons, helped me build tools to be an independent thinker, and encouraged me to follow his example of being a compassionate and strong leader.

I really recommend giving Zack a follow if you have any interest in debating, critical thinking, or just learning more about the world we live in! 

Helped me Build ToolsDr Alex Chung

Ultricies leo integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas. Sapien eget mi proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis. Viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea.

Life ChangerToby MacMaster

Risk Free Guarantee – 100% Satisfaction, or 100% of your Money Back.

No more paying for mediocre advice that doesn’t work.
If you’re not 100% satisfied after 6 weeks, I’ll personally refund the entire cost.
No risk whatsoever.